The legacy of Performance Marketing/PMA Realty
In all areas of the Las Vegas Valley, PMA’s contributions to the valley’s landscape are apparent.
Performance Marketing and PMA Realty were founded on preserving the cornerstones of society: family, community, and integrity. Since our opening in 1973 we have sold over 56,000 homes to families in Utah and Nevada. “Our vision is to rebuild Las Vegas one neighborhood at a time,” states Ken Baxter, founder of PMA Realty.
We accomplished this task by assembling a team of professional experts in all aspects of real estate. These areas include short sales, retail sales, new home sales, interior design, condo conversions, rehabs, construction, marketing and more.
During the Savings and Loan crisis in the early 1980’s, by working with builders, lenders, FDIC and the RTC, Performance Marketing successfully liquidated the REO high rise inventory in Salt Lake City. Relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1990, it was not long before PMA quickly left an indelible mark on the Las Vegas market place.
one neighborhood at a time
“I was able to demonstrate to a local home builder there was a better way that allowed them control labor costs and focus on what they did best – construction. Performance Marketing was formed, a unique real estate, marketing and advertising agency that included hiring, training and motivating new home specialists with amazing results. In fact, this business model enabled Performance Marketing to dominate the market with a career spanning 4 decades.”
- Ken Baxter

The Las Vegas Valley population exploded in the early 2000’s due to a perfect storm of no state income tax, affordable housing plus a surplus of construction and hospitality jobs. We became the most popular place to relocate for over a decade and the people poured in. With a rapidly growing city, the demand for housing exploded as well. Prices began to skyrocket and soon entry level housing began to evaporate. Linda and I saw a huge opportunity to provide just what was needed for the entry level or empty nester market by converting existing apartment communities into condominium homes….but with style. As an interior designer, Linda transformed the utilitarian floor plans into modern, urban homes inside and out including hot new color schemes for the building exteriors, elegant clubhouses and beautiful manicured grounds. Potential buyers would line up with each new release, many times the night before for a chance to purchase one of our beautiful and affordable homes.
By taking vintage apartment community known as The Pointes, consisting of 1,404 potential homes we transformed an aging, crime ridden complex into a community that continues to show the pride of homeownership today. Bella Vita opened in February of 2004 at a time when housing prices in Las Vegas had begun to escalate to levels that made home ownership unattainable for a first time buyer.
Capitalizing on the pent up demand for entry level housing, Bella Vita delivered that opportunity once again, developing into the fastest selling new home community in Las Vegas surpassing all other new home developments for sales in the first quarter of 2005.
PMA ultimately converted 20 additional complexes delivering condominium homes totaling 9,862. With his ability to identify market trends, I was one of the first to predict the devastating Las Vegas housing market crash of 2007-2008 and found ways to adapt to it. During the deepest recession that Las Vegas had ever experienced, Performance Marketing Advantage and Performance Marketing America were able to provide comprehensive real estate services to the new home and REO marketplace. The companies helped provide jobs in a city with the highest unemployment rate in the nation of 15% and often gave special consideration to applicants receiving Unemployment Compensation.