In case you missed it, Sir Richard Branson was on Wall Street last Monday (wearing his space suit, of course!) to ring the opening bell and commence the start of trading under our new ticker SPCE. Hello my friends, it’s Ken Baxter here in Las Vegas with another mission update!
Virgin Galactic has come a long way since that night in October 2004 when the possibility of space travel for the average person was introduced. I remember like it was yesterday; the next morning I asked my assistant, Robin, to contact Sir Richard Branson at Virgin Atlantic. It was then I told him I was all in, taking a leap of faith and purchasing the VERY FIRST ticket on the fledgling Virgin Galactic! Wow.
Even more exciting, Boeing announced they will invest $20 million in Virgin Galactic, a vertically integrated human spaceflight company. The companies will work together on even more ambitious projects to broaden commercial space access, transform global travel technologies and new, environmentally friendly forms of transportation. To date, Virgin has already invested more than $1 billion of capital in this wide open market to build reusable, human spaceflight systems designed to enable significantly more people to experience and utilize space.

As you can imagine, when the latest astronaut update arrives from Virgin Galactic the excitement builds. Please check back often for new mission updates and share in the journey of the first average guy’s trip to outer space!
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Thank you again for visiting my blog – Ken Baxter Las Vegas!